Foreclosure Sale - 45 Pond Street

The Town of Bucksport is accepting bids for property located at 45 Pond Street, Map 29, Lot 37. The property is in foreclosure with the Town of Bucksport for unpaid real estate tax and sewer fees. The property will be sold as is/where is with a quit claim deed to the winning bidder. The minimum bid required is $8,000 to cover outstanding tax, sewer, advertising and legal costs. The property is currently unoccupied.

Bids should be submitted to Town Manager, P.O. Drawer X, Bucksport, ME 04416 and clearly marked 45 Pond Street Bid on the outside of the envelope.  Bids must be submitted no later than Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 4 p.m. The highest bidder will have until Wednesday, April 24th to provide the bid payment in full. If the high bidder is unable to complete the sale, the property will be offered to the next highest bidder.

The Town of Bucksport retains the right to accept or reject any or all bids.